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Three Ways that a Spa can Save your Life

Most people today think of hot tubs as sources of fun and leisure, but modern spas have several therapeutic uses. In fact, the first modern jacuzzi was invented to mitigate the symptoms of arthritis. Other researchers have begun to look into the effects that spas can have on physical and mental well being. With that…

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3 Tips to Follow While Preparing for a Radon Test

If you’re wondering about the levels of radon in your home, you’re not alone. There are serious dangers associated with continuous exposure to radon. In fact, statistics show that about 6% of homes throughout the United States have homes that are either at or above the EPA’s action level. It’s important to know that homes…

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Everything You Need to Know About Hurricane Glass Doors

Impact doors and high-impact glass replacement are essential for homes and businesses in storm-prone areas. Designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, impact doors provide enhanced protection against strong winds, flying debris, and even break-ins. These doors are constructed with reinforced materials and hurricane impact glass, making them a reliable choice for safety and durability. When…

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Yard Work and Father’s Day Too Often Go Hand in Hand

Father’s Day is a funny kind of holiday. After another full year of providing for their families, many wives and children give gifts that only encourage more work! From lawn mowers to bags of mulch, there are many families who are convinced that Dad wants nothing more than to spend another day outside working in…

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Remodeling Magazine Ideas on a Budget

Every home remodeler has been there. After rushing home with a brand new remodeling magazine and finding dozens of ideas that are just perfect, they add up the cost and wind up with a heavy case of sticker shock. The fact is that remodeling magazines are full of fantastic ideas put together by professionals on…

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Why You Need a Whole House Generator

According to data from the federal government, the electrical grid of the United States loses power 285% more often than it did back in 1984, which was when the first efforts were made to collect data on blackouts. In 2014 alone there were 130 reports of outages on the grid in just the first six…

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Remodeling Magazines Help Families Remodel Their Homes

Every year, thousands of people purchase new houses and apartments across the country. Many families regard this purchase as one of the most exciting moments in their lives. Now, perhaps for the first time in their lives, they own a dwelling that they can call their home. They have a place which is isolated from…

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ICF Solutions For Living and Building Green

Insulating concrete form or insulated concrete forms (ICF)is a building system of construction where reinforced concrete is poured in metal rebar between rigid foam exteriors. That may not sound exciting, but what should motivate you is that you can expect high performance from icf products, particularly in energy savings, cost savings, durability, and strength. Also,…

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2 Reasons Your A/C Unit Should Get Routine Maintenance

This time of year, finding air conditioner repair services are important, but is it worth it to get a professional to take a look at your A/C unit even if it isn’t malfunctioning? There’s no doubt that it is, with more than 80% of all of the homes in the United States having some kind…

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Your First Three Steps for Complete Window Replacement

Your energy bill has skyrocketed. Your home is drafty. No matter what repairs you make, it seems that you just can’t get ahead when it comes to efficient windows. Why? The answer is because you thought repairing was the answer when, in fact, your windows are probably due for a window replacement. Installing windows can…

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