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Author: Master Builder

Know How and Where to Put Your Tile

There are a lot of different surfaces in the home and it can be hard to know just what to put on them and what they should be made out of. You want an aesthetic and construction that’s safe but it’s also wholly and absolutely you. You want to express yourself but you need to…

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Furniture Has a Bigger Impact On Your Home Than You Think!

Home decor is an integral part of making a home feel like a place that suits you or your family. It brings the space to life, makes it connect to the people that live there. It could be as simple as a potted plant in the corner, a blinds on a window or putting a…

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Several Advantages of Natural Bamboo Flooring

If you’re in the process of renovating your home, flooring is likely at the top of your list. Since you want your new floor to last a long time, have you considered bamboo flooring? Since there are so many different colors and patterns, bamboo flooring may be just what you need to enhance your home’s…

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The Effects of Untreated Water in a Home

There are homes that do not have any sort of water distiller. However, you could be exposing yourself to a number of harmful contaminants. In this post, you will learn the effects of untreated water. If you are experiencing hard water, you might be in need of a UV water treatment system. Potentially Harmful to…

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Three Benefits of Choosing Turfgrass

Deciding which type of lawn material to use is a big decision. There are many lawn varieties to choose from. However, there are benefits to choosing a turfgrass lawn. Turfgrass is a material known to grow in a very healthy and dense way. However, there are many more benefits to this grass type than just…

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4 Reasons All Homeowners Should Invest in Window Replacement

When you’re a homeowner, you often look for ways to reduce your use of energy and save money on energy bills.  One of the best ways to do that is with window replacement.  According to Consumer Reports, if your room feels drafty, or you can hear the sounds outside your home too keenly, it may…

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Your Choice in Roofing Could Make a Bigger Difference than You Think

Everyone has an idea of what their dream house would look like. Sometimes it is a home that you have in mind to buy as is, sometimes it is a fixer-upper that needs a little love and care in order to transform into what you want it to be. One major factor that many people…

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Three Reasons Why it is Important for Homeowners to Keep Close Control Over Termites to Prevent Infestation

Termites can be a real problem for home owners. The damage that these bugs cost can create larger problems than having a simple bug infestation. In fact, in the United States alone, homeowners will spend at least $5 billion to control termites and repair the damage they have caused. Many homeowners find that they get…

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4 Tips to a Green and Healthy Lawn This Spring

Lawn aeration helps revitalize its soil and stimulate new root growth. Using local aerate services can help your home’s lawn thrive. Many homeowners ask, “Does aerating your lawn help with drainage?” Yes, it does. Whether using deep core aeration or a homespun method, expect lawn aeration to result in five positive changes: • Stimulates root…

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Your Radon Contractor is Your New Best Friend

A radon testing contractor is someone whom you should know and immediately. Your radon testing contractor is going to be your new best friend, and he is going to be your new best friend because he is going to be keeping you and your family safe. Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that could…

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