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Author: Master Builder

Hiring Excavation Crews and Brush Clearing Crews

During a construction project, a local excavation contractor will need to clear up the area so the project can actually begin. The foundation of any building has to be laid correctly for the structure to hold properly. It all starts with brush clearing and excavation crews as they will determine the success of the development….

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The Right Glass Doors and Windows for a Hurricane Proof Building

For many years now, engineers, architects, and meteorologists have been hard at work trying to develop newer and better ways to minimize damage to property and losses of life when a natural disaster strike. Nature’s fury, as it is sometimes known, manifests in many forms ranging from hurricane and tornadoes to volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and…

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The Best of the Best Heating and Cooling Systems that are Built to Last

When it comes to home renovation, one of the first things that everyone is worried about having completed is the heating and cooling systems in the home. These heating, ventilation, and cooling units, HVAC systems for short, are vital because — let’s face it — uncomfortable weather is the worst. It is for this reason,…

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Remodel Your Old Home into Your Dream Home

85% of homes in the United States were built before 1980 and will require improvements and maintenance soon. Is it time to have your home remodeled? Taking on this type of project is no easy task. In order to make sure your remodeling project is impeccably built, use design build remodeling companies for full-project design…

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The Many Benefits of Choosing Induction Ballast for Your Business

Induction ballasts are a type of lighting that utilizing a specific lighting technology Induction lighting technology is special in that it uses a magnetic force to produce light. The majority of induction lights are a form of tube lighting, much like fluorescent tubes. However, some do look more like traditional light bulbs. Induction lights are…

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How Foundation Repair Can Fix An Unlevel House

If you’re a homeowner you know the one of the most important parts of your house is the foundation. After all the foundation is the canvas on which your entire house rests and having a strong foundation is crucial for the rest of your house. But what happens when you don’t have a strong foundation…

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Mogul Based LED Lighting Makes Its Way Into Residential and Commercial Locations

Energy efficient homes have become very popular over the past few decades, most often with the inclusion of renewable energy resources like solar and wind, though there are also high efficacy induction lights that offer up to 70+ lumens per watt. Eco-friendly energy efficient options are good for cost savings as well as saving the…

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Here are 3 Ways You Can Have Your Home’s Foundation Repaired

One can make the argument that every element of your house is important, but there is one part that is probably more important than the others, and that is the foundation. Many homes are built on something known as a foundation slab. A slab foundation is a large, thick slab of concrete that is typically…

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Take Care of Your Roof and It Will Take Care of You

If you own a building or a home, then you know how important your roof can be. A roof that is leaking because of a structural or other problem can cause a host of problems. One inch of rain pours the equivalent of nearly 1,500 gallons of water onto your roof, which means there is…

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Is It Important To Have An HVAC Contractor On Hand?

Updated 6/1/2022 If you think it is time to replace your AC, you are not alone. Most people find themselves in this situation at one point or another. Having an HVAC contractor on hand is crucial to avoid various AC problems. Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with the heat without relief if your AC…

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