Solar power is more accessible than you think.
It’s not a lofty concept that only a few can buy. Likewise, you don’t have to completely change how you live your life to enjoy it. Residential solar energy is slowly, but surely, becoming a staple in the United States. Millions of homeowners are reaping the benefits of renewable energy that leaves virtually no carbon footprint. Even better, they’re able to finally start redirecting excess costs to what they need the most.
Clean energy isn’t just for the future. It’s for the present. What could a solar panel fitting do to improve your life for the better?
The average American home is heavily burdened by energy expenses. Recent estimates believe heating and cooling costs make up 55% of annual utility bills! Not only is it the fault of outdated technology, it’s also an issue of outdated homes. Heat gain and heat loss through windows is responsible for up to 30% of residential temperature loss. The U.S. Department Of Energy releases data on a rolling basis to help homeowners keep up with the influx. Renewable energy is just as much inside the home as it is outside the home.
Perspectives on energy usage are changing. The HVAC systems market raked in $80 billion back in 2015. While swapping out your old HVAC for a new system can help you save some money, it’s still not the full answer to your problems. Solar and wind power has been found to have 100 times better lifetime energy yield than either nuclear or fossil energy. It also helps improve your carbon footprint, providing steady energy with little damage.
Let’s take a closer look at how solar energy works. Not only do they save your home money, they create an affordable feedback loop for the rest of the world. The amount of energy that goes into creating and installing solar panels is paid back through clean electricity production. Benefits will be gained in as little as one to two years, with a comparable service life of decades. A single day will see 120,000 terawatts of power from the Sun flowing to the Earth.
American homeowners are starting to lean toward solar energy to save money. Residential solar energy installations have surged by an impressive 20% a year over the past 15 years, thanks to falling prices and improving efficiency. To date, there are now one and a half million solar installations across the country bearing a cumulative capacity of over 40 gigawatts. The amount of solar power has increased over 20 times over just the past eight years. Becoming part of the change is as simple as calling a solar company for a new installation.
Sustainability is only backed up with action. Residential solar energy is now more affordable and easier to install than ever before. Solar energy is the most abundant energy resource on the planet and will provide you a means of addressing all your energy needs for a much smaller cost. Solar panel installers will take a look at your house, its age, and its materials to determine the best course of action. They can pair solar energy systems alongside your HVAC to start with or revamp your home from the ground up.
Change starts now. Solar power is a reliable, renewable resource that can be installed in a matter of days. How could clean energy improve your life this year?