Home locksmiths know pretty much everything there is to know about locks. In this video, a locksmith goes over the best residential door lock and its applications.
Schalge B60N Deadbolt
This is a fantastic deadbolt for residential properties.
There are better deadbolts for more heavy-duty application, but this is one of the best for residential application. This deadbolt is especially useful if you get it with the classic keyway. These deadbolts come with many customization options that allow you to customize how you’d like. This is an extremely reliable lock that is very hard to pick.
When installing the lock you’ll want to make sure you stick to the actual process rather than messing with different components you are not well versed in. You attach the thumb turn and screw it in. Then you’ll want to use your key before finalizing the installation to make sure it works how it should. The quality of this residential lock is lightyears ahead of anything else on the market.
If you have any more questions about your lock needs, contact a home locksmiths service for more information. If you don’t feel comfortable installing the lock yourself, speak to them about doing the service for you.