Your goal for 2020 is to be intentional with your time. This means that you chose carefully in who you spend time with and what you spend time doing. You do not expect perfection because there are big time suckers out there and obviously obligations that you must do; however, you would like to be more intentional as much as you can.
Some of the ways you are working on this in crude:
- Sunday night game night at the house.
- 25 dates with your husband in 2020.
- Daily one on one time with your son and your husband.
- Making sure you are present and not distracted.
- More diligence with your daily devotions time.
- Goal setting for each and every day.
Creating the Perfect Space to Relax in Your Home Can Help You Reach Your Goals
Every person operates differently, but it is important to make sure that you have a space in your home that allows you the room and the setting that you need to achieve your goals. From having a place to relax to read your favorite book to making sure that you are providing the peaceful spots that you need to rest, it is important to make sure that you are reaching your goals. And while transforming your current home into a place that allows you to reach your goals can take an investment of both time and money, many people find that these sacrifices are worth it.
With the use of the latest three season rooms, for instance, it is possible to create a space that allows you to capture some of the best sun even on the coldest of days. These same spaces can also be the perfect sunrooms for the growing of plants and the starting of micro herbs and specialty greens. And while sunrooms may seem like a space that would have some what limited use, the fact of the matter is many times sunrooms are far more functional than you might imagine.
Home Maintenance Projects Continue to be a Challenge for Many Home Owners
In a time when a house continues to be the most expensive investment most Americans have, it should come as no surprise that maintaining these investments is important. Finding a way to make sure that the highest quality materials are used in any plumbing and electrical work, for instance, is also reliant on the fact that there are skilled, knowledgeable, and trusted contractors available. In a time when so many Americans are encouraging their high school and college age students to pursue a science, technology, engineering, or math degree there are times when finding the right contractor can be difficult.
Whether you are looking for bids on sunrooms, three season rooms, or a more common plumbing or electrical project, the contractor that you find will lay a significant role in determining the success of your project. From window screens to kitchen remodeling, it is important to realize that investing in the highest quality materials you can find and the most experienced contractors you can hire is essential.
Although the expense of making some of these improvements can seem significant, it is important to realize that many of the projects that you undertake can not only add to the quality of your life, but also the value of your home. For instance, home owners who replace their windows can get back 80% of their investment, acording to the National Association of Realtors. In comparison, even a minor kitchen remodel has an average return on investment (ROI) of 82.7%. The mere fact that nearly 85% of the nation’s homes were built prior to 1980 is one indication that many are in need of home improvement. Fortunately, if you make the year 2020 a time when you are seeking to improve the house where you live you can also make this a time to create a secluded and relaxing area that you can use to achieve your goals, your dreams, and your aspirations.
What are you trying to achieve in the year 2020? If you have not yet had a chance to set your goals, make today the day you set a plan for yourself and home.