Most people don?t give a second thought to their plumbing until there is a problem with it. You know that you have plumbing or else you wouldn?t be able to use your toilets or showers, but you don?t really think much beyond that. That is, until you come home to a flooded house or basement, often with raw sewage and a terrible smell. This is often when panic sets in and you realize you don?t even know who to call. You don?t even have a preferred plumbing repair company, because you have never even inspected your plumbing. Keeping up with plumbing is an important part of home ownership and it can prevent costly and stressful floods and required repairs.
The International Plumbing Code (IPC), setting minimum regulations for backflow prevention, sanitary drainage, storm drainage, water heaters, and more, is currently adopted on the state or local level in 35 states. However, even with these minimum standard regulations, plumbing problems can and do occur. The problem may not even be with the state or local regulated areas, and is rather a problem with your home?s current plumbing systems. Plumbing services are often best on a preventative maintenance basis. When the plumbing is consistently inspected, there is less likeliness of flooding or of any major repairs needed.
Fat and oil buildups cause about 47% of the up to 36,000 residential and commercial sewer overflows that happen annually in the U.S. Commercial plumbers can routinely inspect these residential or commercial sewer to ensure that there isn?t any backup or that a plumbing repair company is not needed immediately. Sewer inspections will take note of any problems that are beginning, and will notify the homeowner of any potential problems. This gives the homeowner time to have the sewer line repair planned for and then completed on their own time. The job is often much cheaper and an easier job when a plumbing repair company is not called out on emergency to a sewer that has already clogged and has already caused a flood.
There are also things that need to be routinely preformed to a sewer line to ensure that it does not get clogged. For example, depending on how many people live in your house and how much water is used, professionals need to pump septic tanks once every 5 to 7 years. If much longer time goes between septic pump tank pumps, it is more likely that the sewer will flood, either near the sewer or in the home. Sewer line repairs prevent flooding and costly, inconvenient repairs. A plumbing repair company is a great source for plumbing consultation, both for routine maintenance and for the repair of a sewage line after it has caused a problem.
All homes in the United States contain some type of plumbing. It is so common that most homeowners do not even give it much thought. That is, until a plumbing problem occurs and they have to call out a plumbing repair company on an emergency basis call. This is when plumbing gets very expensive and becomes a big inconvenience for the homeowner. Having your sewer lines and plumbing routinely inspected can prevent these costly problems for occurring. A plumbing repair company is a great resource for these types of plumbing jobs.