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When Is It Time to Clean Your Gutters?

Gutters are put in place on homes to protect the structural soundness of the house. They divert water away from your home so that issues like flooding, foundation damage, roof leakage, and mold don’t occur. However, people might not always think about what condition their gutters are in and it can lead to one or…

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Advantages of an Energy Efficient Home

Today, there is a lot of hype about homes that are energy efficient. A lot of information has been made available on the benefits of an energy efficient home but there are still people who don’t understand the concept of energy efficiency at homes and how this concept is beneficial. Due to the changing weather…

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How To Better Care For Your Air Conditioning System

Air conditioning systems are considered quite necessary in many parts of the United States. After all, many different regions of this country experience warm and even incredibly hot temperatures, especially during the summer months. Air conditioning systems and the local AC repair company (or companies) play a critical role in keeping homes cool. For some…

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Are You Currently in Search of a Professional Plumber?

You have had plenty of successes in life. For 12 years you were a successful high school English and journalism teacher, whose students won several state and national publication awards. You have been successfully married to your spouse for 30 years. You have successfully parented two daughters who gracefully and admirably navigated their way through…

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Work with the Right Air Conditioning Company for Your Home

When it comes to having a fulfilling and rewarding life at home, a lot can depend on the measures that you implement at home that improve comfort and relaxation. For a lot of homeowners, this can translate to efficient, high-performance home heating and cooling systems. Depending on the kind of weather you experience where you…

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How You Can Use Gravel For Home Landscaping

If you’re working on a home improvement project or renovating your property, chances are good that you’re going to have some construction debris. If you’re unsure what to do, here are some options for removing debris from construction sites. In this case the construction site is your property. Donate It: Rather than disposing of all…

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An Eco-Friendly Alternative To Expensive Wood Bamboo Flooring For The Green Homeowner

How often do you think about your flooring options? If the answer is, “Not much.”…then it’s time to keep reading! Good flooring can seem little more than clean carpet, but the fact of the matter is quite different. Not only should you be taking into account your interior design, but eco-friendly and personal health benefits….

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Taking A Much Closer Look At The Care And Keeping Of Your Plumbing And Saving Money By Doing It

Caring for your home is a must for any home owner out there, this is simply a fact that the vast majority of people are well aware of. However, the care and keeping of the home is often more extensive than many people realize. For instance, matters of plumbing and septic systems must also be…

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Why ICFs Are a Favorite Green Buildng Material

When it comes to green design and energy efficient homes, the future is already here. Architects and builders are redefining home design to provide better insulation and better ventilation, which make homes more comfortable and healthier. And they’re relying on an building material that has been around since the 1960s. One of the most useful…

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Renovate Your Home to Boost Your Home’s Value

For homeowners, there are a number of reasons and benefits when it comes to deciding where or not to undertake a home remodeling project. Not only do home upgrades often boost the overall value of a home, but they can go a long way towards ensuring a home continues to stand for many years. For…

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