It is estimated that more than eight million Americans choose to call a gated community their home. And in Houston, TX, one of the first metro areas to recuperate from the recession, much of houston land for sale is being bought up by developers building gated communities, otherwise known as master planned communities.
Known for their above average schools, luxurious amenities, quiet streets, and higher end home values, gated communities in houston are in hot demand. They are also a good fit for the economic strength and resilience of the region of houston texas land for sale and other places in land montgomery county. In the houston land for sale area, a large part of this growth and interest in planned community development is due to an increase in workforce looking for a piece of houston land for sale to their own. (Houstons employment rate grew 2.5 faster than the national average, actually; from September 2011 to September 2012, local non farm employment rose 3.7 percent.)
The concept of guarded, gated communities are not new, however; they have been a housing option for more than 1000 years and date back to the Tang period in ancient China when they were built to keep the masses in order (and keep out any threats). Today, the role of gated communities in neighborhoods like houston land for sale is not necessarily to maintain order but rather to provide an air of exclusivity to its inhabitants while diminishing through traffic and the potential for criminal activity. Maybe it is a modern day moat after all!
See more: www.crownranch.com