If you are looking to change the look of you home, you may be looking to repaint one or a few of your rooms. When you tackle a paint job, you may be concerned about things such as paint coverage and ways you can do a good job.
- Avoid lines from paint buildup. One common problem that people encounter when they are painting their home is they leave lines along their walls. These are caused by paint buildup but there is a way to prevent them on your walls. The main reason this happens is that people put wet paint over partially dry paint. How can you prevent that? If you can keep a wet edge and put paint only over paint that has not yet had the chance to dry. One method that works is to start your painting at a corner. Take your roller and make each pass cover the entire wall.When your “laps” overlap slightly, you can prevent the formation of ugly lines in your paint coverage.
- Make a big enough batch of paint. When you start your paint job, the first thing you have to do is mix up your paint. Get yourself a large bucket and pour several cans of your paint into it. There are a few reasons for this. You may not realize it but there are subtle differences from one can of paint (even when they are the same color) to another. By making yourself a bigger batch of paint to start out with, you reduce the chances that you will run out mid room. This is the best way to get the right color matching from your paint job.
- Get the best edge by letting the paint dry. Before you start your paint job, you should use razor tape or some other kind of tape to set the edges of your paint job. When you use this before, you can get the clean and crisp edges that you want from your paint job. The key to success with this is to wait until your paint is completely dry before you remove the tape. If you wait at least a day after you finish painting, you will have a better experience getting the tape off of your wall.
- Do your trim before you tackle your walls and ceiling. When you hire professional painters to come in and handle your paint job, you may notice that they have a set order that they use to do the work. Typically, the start with the trim. They do the trim, then the ceiling and finish up with the walls. Because you are going to do the walls after you handle the trim, you can knock out the trim pretty quickly because you do not have to be neat. Your paint coverage from the walls and ceiling can get rid of misplaced trim paint spots.
- Clean the walls and ceiling. Paint will have a better time adhering to a wall or ceiling if it has been cleaned prior to putting on the primer and the paint. When you just go and paint a wall without properly preparing it by cleaning it, your paint coverage will suffer and you will end up with paint that peels and cracks. Experts recommend sanding down any uneven spaces to make the surface more ready for the paint.
- Prepare your walls, ceiling and trim with primer. You need to work on priming walls before you start on the paint job itself. This will do a lot to cover any problems or inconsistencies on your walls. Primer does a lot to improve the paint coverage. The primer can also make the paint itself look a lot better. Do not skip this step when you are painting your home.
- Pick the right paint. Of course, you want to get the right color for your home but you should also look into paint that makes your home a healthier place to be. If you have a baby in your home, you should look for baby room safe paint . You can also get paint that is much more eco-friendly.
Painting your home is not rocket science and these tips can help you get a better look for yours.