In many parts of the country, such as some of the southern states, people are opting to keep their pools running all year round as the climate allows this. There are some great benefits to doing this as you can also enjoy your swimming pool throughout the year. This also means you can avoid paying the costs for the winterization process. There are some things you can do, according to professional pool contractors, to make sure your pool is in tip-top condition throughout the year. Here are a few tips and tricks:
- You need to do your best to keep your pool clean. In many areas, while the weather is warm enough to use and enjoy your pool, there is not as much to do throughout the fall and winter months. That is not to say there is nothing you should do. You should make it a point to vacuum out any debris, leaves, or other things that have fallen in. Pool contractors also say that pool owners should also brush the floor and the walls to get off any film that has accumulated there. This can be an important thing to do to prevent the walls and floor of the pool from becoming stained.
- Use tennis balls to get rid of oils and creams from the water. When you, your family, and your friends use your pool, they leave something behind. Any oils, sunscreen, or other moisturizers and makeup get washed off in your pool water and after some time, this can leave your pool looking more icky than inviting. There is an easy solution to get rid of that grease and gunk. Throw a couple of old, used tennis balls into your pool. Let them float around in your pool and they will gather all of the nastiness. After a day or so, you can use your pool skimmers and gather them up.
- From time to time, turn on your pumps. Even in warmer states, sometimes the temperature can get cold enough to cause the top layer of your pool water to freeze. Experts in pool maintenance recommend that people remember the water in the pumps should not freeze even when the surface of the swimming pool, you should make it a point to run the pumps to get that water to move through your pool system. Anytime the temperature reaches 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below, you need to get those pumps going. If you never reach this temperature, you can skip this.
- Remember to check the chemicals in your pool water. Pool contractors say that during cooler months, most swimming pools do not need the same levels of chemicals to be added. It would be a mistake to assume this means you can forget all about checking the chemical environment. Because you will not be using your cover, the weather can impact the chemical balance in the water. You will have to keep an eye on the pH, chlorine, alkalinity, and calcium levels to make sure it is safe to swim in.
- Look at what water features you may not be using. If you are in a part of the country, or the world, that never sees your temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, you may not have to think about this. If, however, you have some colder periods of time, you may want to look into shutting off your fountains, waterfalls, or water slides, you might want to ask the pool contractors in your area to see what they think about weatherizing or shutting off these features for at least the coldest parts of the winter.
Swimming is is a very good exercise that works the entire body and can help with cardiovascular health and fitness. This is also the fourth most popular activity or sport in the United States. The typical person in the country will swim at least six times a year in a pool. It makes sense that if you live in an area that does not see freezing temperatures that you would want to enjoy your pool all year round. These simple tips and tricks will make it easier to do just that.