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The Many Benefits Of Bamboo Flooring For Homes All Throughout The United States

If you’re looking to redo your floors in the near future, such as a part of a kitchen renovations project or even apart from one, consider locking bamboo floors. Bamboo flooring has risen considerably in overall popularity in the last few years, particularly here in the United States. There are many reasons that this is the case – and many reasons that strand bamboo flooring is replacing the use of hardwood flooring in many homes all throughout the country.

For instance, bamboo flooring is not only easy to install, but easy to care for as well. After all, bamboo flooring often snaps into place to ensure a snug fit, Snap in place bamboo flooring can even actually ensure a snug fit over the existing floors in the home, something that can reduce the costs of replacing the floor. The quality of being able to ensure a snug fit is something that many people are drawn to when looking at bamboo flooring, as the ability of most types of bamboo flooring to ensure a snug fit will mean that the bamboo floors in question will likely stay in good shape for some time to come. Of course, however, the ability to ensure a snug fit is certainly not the only reason that bamboo flooring is becoming so popular as one of the flooring options available here in the United States.

In addition to the ability to ensure a snug fit, bamboo flooring is actually even harder than traditional hardwoods. As a matter of fact, it has even been found to be up to three times harder than oak – and the vast majority, though not all, of other hardwood varieties as well. Therefore, bamboo flooring is incredibly durable and resistant to damage, even more so than the already quite tough traditional hardwood floors.

Perhaps more important than anything else, however, is the fact that bamboo floors are much more environmentally friendly than hardwood flooring options, unless these hardwood flooring options are made from reclaimed wood. New wood production is something that is far too prevalent not just here in the United States but all throughout the world – and it is not something that is even particularly sustainable. After all, the average hardwood tree will need a minimum of 20 years before being considered mature – and some varieties of hardwood will even take up to 60 years before maturing.

Bamboo, on the other hand, grows much more quickly. In fact, bamboo can become fully grown over the course of just a mere three years. At the very most, bamboo will take five years to become fully grown, but rarely ever longer than that. This makes bamboo a much more sustainable and ethical source for flooring than the vast majority of hardwoods, ideal for this one reason alone. For many people, the reduced environmental impact of bamboo flooring is a real and predominant reason to invest in bamboo flooring.

After all, your bamboo flooring is likely to last a considerable amount of time as well, though this will vary among the types of bamboo flooring that are available. For instance, engineered bamboo flooring will be able to be refinished not just once but twice before ultimately needing to be replaced, giving it a good lifespan when all things are considered. And strand bamboo floors last even longer and are typically able to be refinished as many as three times (and sometimes even four times) in total before they must be replaced. For people who choose bamboo flooring, this durability and longevity is most definitely a key selling point.

There are certainly a wide array of reasons to invest in bamboo floors when it comes time to replace the flooring in your home. For one thing, bamboo flooring is made to ensure a snug fit. This ability to ensure a snug fit will not only allow your flooring to be aesthetically pleasing, but easy to clean and take care of as well. Of course, bamboo floors are quite durable and long lasting – but they are, above all else, environmentally friendly. In any case, much friendlier than wood flooring.

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